Friday, April 20, 2007

School is almost over

I had my last class of the semester today. Such joy. Now all I have to do is write my paper and do my finals. yeah!!

I've been sick a lot lately. I think I had strep, there is the possibility of mono, and I had the flu a couple days ago. I also had a couple colds, and a migrain/nervous break down. It's been a long semester. I actually used up all my abscenses. Usually, I try to make sure that I have at least one left in every class, just in case. But this semester, they all got used up-- except my water law class. But that was only because my professor canceled on one of the days I skipped.

Nothing much is happening. I miss all my friends. I've been losing more weight. This is slightly annoying, because my pants keep on getting too big, and then I have to buy more. I only have one pair of long jeans that fit, and its getting to big. I also have a pair of cropped jeans, but I can't wear them everyday. It's getting warmer, though, so maybe I'll be able to. Sigh. On one hand, I really like the fact that I'm losing weight (finally at a healthy weight!! yeah!!) but on the other hand, I wish I would lose all the inches at once, so I only had to buy new clothes once. And I wish I had more money, so I could afford a new wardrobe. Or at least more pants. shirts aren't as noticeable if you lose weight.

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